Drying Herbs from the Garden

We decided to dry some of our fresh herbs from the garden including sage, basil, and thyme in order to prolong their lifespan. Dried herbs can be stored in the cabinet for easy access and will not spoil like fresh herbs.

dehydrating herbs

We used a dehydrator to dry our herbs. A dehydrator works by exposing food to low temperatures of heat for a long period of time in order to remove the moisture from the food. Our herbs dried over a period of 24 hours. Our friend Mr. Bruce came in to help.
dehydrating herbs 2
Basil on the dehydrator

Dehydrating Herbs with Mr. Bruce

Thyme on the dehydrator: It’s REBEL THYME!
Herbs in bags

We placed our dried herbs in ziploc bags to use in various recipes. Store them in a cool, dry place.

Jul 20, 2011 | Category: Cooking | Comments: none | Tags: , , , ,
